Khabarchhe always ensures the delivery of accurate and exact information, but human errors may sometimes be evident in what we publish. For this, we have an effective corrections policy. We strive to respond in a quick manner to the corrections needed in the errors made by us. We make sure that we correct the error as soon as it is brought to our notice. This is done with the sole purpose of accurate information transmission to our readers.
Updating a Report
Whenever we make any major changes in any of the articles, we make sure that we put notes on the article if necessary, to notify the readers that the story has been updated. It is our foremost purpose to serve our readers, and hence we make it a practice to provide them the necessary clarification by rectifying the errors in our articles.
If, by any chance, we are required to make a change in any article, caption or headline, we not only do that as soon as possible but also publish a correction explaining the need for the said change, if find it necessary.
Sometimes it so happens that the journalists have undertaken their job properly and have brought all the correct factual information, but the language used to present the facts has been unclear. In such case, we make sure that the language is rewritten and corrected.
Editor’s Notes
In case of an article that is factually and ethically erroneous and requires the Editor’s focus, Khabarchhe ensures that the Editor provides a note to the readers explaining the issue correctly and rectifying the error.
Take-down Requests
If any article or subject matter is inaccurate, we ensure its speedy correction after investigating the matter. When we use publicly available personal information of any individual, we may review take-down requests of the involved person if he id under threat of physical harm because of the existence of such news material.
If you find any inaccurate information in any story we have published is, please contact the editorial team via email at